
Preparing a funeral is always a sudden and sad task. In the darkest times we are attempting to gain comfort and solace from our faith in God and celebrate the life of someone we love. Many people like to put together a funeral booklet which serves, not only as an order of service but as a memento to the funeral.

When planning booklets it is often good to remember that the liturgy is essentially a prayed event and not a read one. Some pointers which may help:

  • Music should be appropriate to the Church setting
  • Eulogies should be kept brief (a Maximum of 5mins)
  • If the mourners are not frequenters of Mass it is more appropriate to celebrate a funeral outside of Mass
  • It is customary for someone other than the celebrant (priest) to read the first reading, responsorial psalm, second reading and prayers of the Faithful

Always consult the celebrant before printing the booklets.

Remember to consult the priest regarding the day and time of the funeral and not leave this to the funeral directors.